July 13, 2024

Great Shift, New Dynamics

"Mm, Chloe, I'm so glad we found each other after the Shift."

"Me too, babe."

Jackson closed his eyes and sighed. "I was scared at first. Not just from being, you know, a girl all of a sudden, but I was worried I'd never see you again."

"I know, so was I."

"Thank god we were still in the same city. I've heard some people ended up in different countries, can you even imagine?"

"So crazy."

"I remember how weird it felt at first how much taller you are than me, but it's sort of like, comforting too, having you wrap your big arms around me like this." He laughed. "I started wearing heels and I still don't even come up to your shoulder."

"You look good in them."



"Hey babe... do you think you could do that thing I like? With your mouth?"

"Ugh, a month as a guy and that's all you ever think about. You're lucky I like you so much," he said with a wink.

"Ha, yeah, I know."

"Do you think... mmph... gpp... they'll ever find a way to put everyone back?"

"I dunno."

"Mmmph... mmnnnnn..."

"I've been thinking, a-- oohhh, fuck yeah, babe. How do you do that with your tongue? But yeah, I've been thinking, I want to try going by Carl for a while. It feels like it fits this body better and might make things easier if we're in it for the long haul."

"Mm, slupp... Do you think I should pick a new name too babe?"

"Actually, when I thought of mine, I came up with one for you that I like. How do you feel about Lexi?"

"I love it!" He stood, putting his hands on her big, black chest and tipping his head up. "This has all been super tough, but I'm so grateful for the way you've stepped up for us. It's so much easier and less stressful when I don't have to think about things."

"Yeah, I felt like it went so good with your clothes, and your makeup, that I'd just keep helping you with decisions."

"Like you said, you spent your whole life as a woman, so it makes sense that you would know how I should dress. Oh, and telling me I should work out, too! I want to keep this body in good shape for the original owner."

"Or for you."

"Ha, yeah."

She leaned in. "Or for me."

"Ohh, fuck babe, you're so big."

"Damn, your pussy feels so good wrapped around me."

"Mmm... I still feel a little guilty about this Chloe."


"Sorry, Carl."

"We fucked three times yesterday alone. How much longer until you get over that?"

"I-- oohhhhh, yes... I guess I should. Oh fuck, your dick feels incredible."

"Trust me, Lexi. If it feels this good, why fight it? You just let me do the thinking for both of us, alright?"

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