June 30, 2024

Working Out The Kinks With New Technology

"I still can't believe you went through with it."

"Come on, you know you would have done it. I walk around in Lisa's body for a weekend, do one interview with the professor afterwards, and I get $1000 and a free course credit. I'm literally making money in my sleep."

"Mmhm," he muttered. If I didn't know better, I would have sworn I saw his eyes darting back and forth to my chest. "You know she has a bit of a reputation around campus, right?"

I felt my cheeks flush, fully aware of what he was talking about. "Yeah, so what? It's OK for girls to enjoy sex, you know," I shot back, more forcefully than I'd intended. "It doesn't matter anyways, I'm mostly planning to hang out in the dorm this weekend."

Cory gave me a sideways glance, then smirked. "Heh, better be careful. You hang out any farther in that body and you'll be getting written up for indecent exposure." I punched him in the arm, wincing as my chest jiggled mockingly.

I'd signed up for the study with basically no information. It shocked me to hear that they'd developed bodyswapping technology, but my eyes quickly glazed over when they tried explaining it in more detail. I didn't care as long as I got paid. The waiver was so thick that I barely read the last dozen pages of forms as I signed.

I remembered waking up and feeling incredibly disoriented. They told me my brain mapping would need to "calibrate" to the new body. I spent almost an hour jerking around like a robot before I felt fully in control of my limbs. It was actually a nice distraction; it wasn't until I was back in Lisa's room that I got to fully take it all in.

I stood frozen in front of her mirror, staring at my reflection. It felt... unsettling. Instead of the six foot tall man I normally saw, a thick girl with reddish-brown curls, heavy breasts, and wide hips stared intently back. I raised my hands to my chest, feeling uneasy about what I'd done. Underneath that feeling was something else, something that tingled with electricity when I started to touch myself. My skin was so soft. My door was locked. What if--

"...Lisa? Richard? Yo, you listening man?"

I tried to shake my head clear as I came back to the present moment. "Oh, yikes, sorry. I was just... never mind."

Cory eyed me suspiciously. "It's fine, man. I said your name like four times, and it's like you didn't even hear me until I called you Lisa. You sure you're OK?"

"Yeah, no, I'm fine. I came over here to have you distract me, but I guess I got lost in thought about, like, something else."

"No problem. I'm getting distracted too--by dem titties!" he laughed, leaning back in his chair.

"Oh, fuck right off!" I swore in mock indignation. "Your room is covered in pictures of girls showing their boobs like it's a teen movie from 1996, and you can't stop staring at mine. Why can't you keep your porn hidden in your phone like a normal person?"

"The joys of living off campus! I can decorate however I want and never have to worry about nosy RAs. But I want to circle back to this concept... If I'm staring at your boobs, it's because they're in 3-D right in front of me, and you could theoretically show me your boobs any time you wanted."

Ugh, what an ass. I can't believe boys are like this. But I'm a boy, I thought, furrowing my brow. I was like that too, wasn't I?

Without warning, my bare breasts flopped out of my skimpy top into plain sight, the sudden draft of cool air jerking me away from my thoughts again. "SURPRISE-- oh, hell man, you were really gonna hide these from me? Maybe not though... somebody's a dirty girl walking around with no bra on!"

My hands instinctively flew up to cover my chest. I stood there in shock, mouth opening and closing but not knowing what to say. I'd thought about putting on a bra earlier, but in the moment it felt wrong. I chalked it up to me as a guy not wanting to dress any girlier than I had to, but why then hadn't I looked for a more modest shirt? And why, when Cory called me a dirty girl, had I felt...

I shook my head again in another attempt to stop those thoughts. "OK, fine. You can look. But you have to SWEAR that no one finds out, or else you'll be in big trouble."

He just laughed. "Seems like I might enjoy getting into trouble, but whatever you say." He was practically drooling as I lowered my arms. "Damn Lisa, you have some fantastic tits."

They'd look even better wrapped around your co-- "Could you not call me that? It's making me feel weird."

"Whatever you say, babe. I just figured it would make things feel a little less awkward." Ugh, why did it get so hot in here all of a sudden? I was barely wearing any clothes and I still felt flush all over. Something wrong with the air, too, with how heavy my breathing was getting.

"You know, one of my TAs is working on that bodyswap project with the lead professor. He told me that they're getting some interesting data." My tits swung forward as I leaned closer to Cory, searching for any distraction from this heat and the feelings I was trying desperately to keep from boiling over. "Oh yeah?" I asked.

Cory's face was inches away from me. I stared at his lips as I hung on every word. "Yeah. He said that the tech is incredible, but they're having trouble keeping the original body's personality from leaking over to the swapped minds."

That asshole! I could tell by the smirk on his face that he knew exactly what he was doing to me. Fuck it, I had to get out of there before things got any further out of hand. At that moment, though, Cory pulled off his shirt in one clean motion, exposing his lean, muscled figure. "Pretty warm today, don't you--"

His words were cut off by my tongue diving hungrily into his mouth. God, Lisa's body, my body, was on fire! Hearing my own high-pitched girly moans pushed me further past the point of no return as he wrapped his arms around me to pull me in tight. Somewhere in the flurry of hands and lips and flesh, he pulled my skirt past my wide hips and let it drop to the floor. The fact that I hadn't bothered to put on panties either sent a thrill rushing down my spine. I pulled down his pants as well, not questioning why, just desperate for more of the feelings welling up inside me.

Of course, that meant his cock was standing at attention right in front of my eyes. Suck it, a voice whispered in my mind. Put it in your mouth and suck it and then he'll fuck you and it will feel soooo good. I didn't bother fighting back. Whether the words were coming from Lisa or myself, I knew they were true.

I glanced up, wondering if he was enjoying this as much as I was. If I'm being honest, I didn't care all that much. I barely hesitated when the tip first slipped past my lips. I'd never considered that being on this end of giving head could be pleasurable, but every tingle of every motion further awakened my eager pussy. How long could I keep going before I would be begging him to fuck me?

Thankfully, I wouldn't have to find out. He reached down, guiding me off of him before laying me down on the desk behind us. Even if his rod wasn't already slick from my tongue, it would have slid inside my soaking pussy.

I moaned. I cried out. I begged him to pound me harder, faster, more and more until I came to a screaming orgasm.

He thrust into me, pinning me down as I watched him cum deep inside me. Cumming for me, because of what I'd done. I wrapped my legs around him, basking in our afterglow and making sure he pumped me full of every last drop.

I had a few thoughts as I stared up at Cory's sweating, spent form. First, I couldn't believe what I'd just done. Second, I had to sign up for the follow-up study as soon as possible.

That could wait, though. More importantly than all that, I knew Cory's roommate was on the football team and should be home any minute. I guess I wouldn't be getting nearly as much sleep as I thought this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Three stories in a month is amazing. Thank you for sharing.
