May 8, 2019

No Logical Explanation

"Oh my god, I gained another two pounds this week! I don't understand, I've been eating super healthy!"

"You-- wait, you really don't get it?"

"No! I know girls always talk about how hard it is to lose weight, but there's still no way I should be getting this fat!"

"You're not getting fat, you're... oof. Tell me, where do you feel like you've been getting bigger?"

"First of all, rude. But I guess it's mostly been my gut. Although some has definitely gone to my boobs, so that's nice."

"OK. And what was literally the first thing we did after you convinced me who you really were?"

"Hehe. Oh man, we did it so many times that night! I had a brand new pussy, and I was too sore to use it for the next three days."

"Yeah, it was a lot of sex. Last question: how many times have you gotten your period since you became a girl?"

"My period? I guess I didn't think of that. I haven't-- ohhh... Oh, FUCK!!"

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