June 15, 2024

Learning a Lesson the Hard Way

A few days ago, I screwed up big time. I love my wife, but our sex life had grown stale. My first mistake was telling my friend Aaron about it. "Have you tried a little dirty talk? Women love that."

"Not Heather. If I tried that, I'd be sleeping on the couch for a week."

"Oh, come on. I'll bet she'd be thrilled if her husband finally grew a pair and treated her like a slut in bed. It's all about role-playing and power dynamics and shit."
A few nights later, Heather and I were getting into our usual routine. I whispered, "Mm, I'll bet you were a dirty little girl before I met you, weren't you?"

She immediately shoved me off. "Excuse me? What the fuck, Zach?"

I scrambled to backtrack. "Sorry, I was just trying to spice things up! I was talking to Aaron the other day, and he--"

"You were talking to that asshole about our sex life?! And he said you should call me, what, some kind of teen whore? And you listened to him?"

"No, no, I was saying you WERE a teen-- no, that's not what I meant. It's just role-play, like being someone else for a while. It's supposed to be for fun."

"It would be fun? That's what you're saying?"

I felt boxed into a corner, but didn't know how to get out of it. "Yes?"

"Fine, enjoy!" She clapped her hands, thundering so loudly that I fell over. As I sat up, the room seemed strange, like it was bigger or something. When I caught sight of my hand, I realized that no, I was smaller. I screamed. A high-pitched, girly scream. I panicked and ran, before realizing that made no sense. I ripped off my shirt. I had to see for myself.

Underneath, I found a bra. And under that? A pair of soft, jiggly, little boobs. Before I could explore any further, my wife walked in on me.

"Mom!!" I shouted in embarrassment. Wait, why had I said that? "I mean, Heather! What the fuck is going on here?"

"Don't take that tone with me, young lady. But to answer your question, I'm letting you do that 'roleplay' you were so interested in. Since you're apparently so fond of sex-crazed young girls, you can be my daughter Zoe for the week."

"But that's not what I wanted at all! How did you even do this? Change me back!" I meant it as a command, but it came across as more of a whine.

"That doesn't matter, and my mind is made up. Anyways, it's late. You and Anna should get ready for bed."

Anna? Who was... oh crap. I walked into the next room to find another girl on the couch, pants in a pile on the floor.

"Oh hey, Mrs. Bell. I assume that's Zach and that this is his fault?"

"It's Zoe for now, she can fill you in on the rest. Good night, girls!"

An awkward silence hung in the air while we alternated looking and not looking at each other's new bodies. "It's cool of your mom to let me stay here for this."

"My wife," I corrected. "And she's the one who did it, Anna!"


"Yeah, of course."

I spent the next 20 minutes gradually bringing Aaron up to speed whenever I could bring myself to stop swearing at him. Eventually, we fell asleep in what had been a spare bedroom but was apparently now mine.

We woke up the next morning to find ourselves still looking like high school girls. With remarkably little thought about it, we both got dressed. It was so strange. I knew I was really a man, if I really thought about it, but it felt so natural to slip into this character.

"Hey, this is a sleepover, right? Let me do your hair."

I felt my cheeks flush in embarrassment over our situation. "Umm, ok? Just don't make me look like a total dork or anything."

Aaron fussed with my hair for a few minutes before realizing he had no idea what he was doing, then pulled some elastic bands out of his pink duffel bag and put it into pigtails. If I'm being honest, it was kind of nice having my hair out of my face, and it even looked sort of cute?

"Here, let me do yours too. We'll totally match!"

After I was satisfied with Aaron's hair, I felt the urge to explore "my room" a little. I ended up with a big surprise (literally) in the form of a positively enormous dildo I found hiding in the back of my closet.

"OH MY GOD!!" My face burned as I tried too late to hide my discovery from Aaron. I shuffled over and sat quietly next to him on the floor and stared down at the long, veiny slab of silicone in my hand.

"There's no way a real penis could be that big, right?"

"It can't be. How could you walk around with that hiding in your pants? How big was yours?"

"God, it's so hard to picture it. It's like, I know I had one for my whole life, but at the same time, I feel like I've always had a... you know..."

"A pussy?"

I continued staring, as my mom's-- my wife's words from the day before echoed in my mind. Sex-crazed young girls...


  1. One year for a 2 stories is so hard man -w-

    1. Lol, you're not wrong. These had been sitting untouched in my drafts forever and I finally decided to finish them off. I feel like I have tons of half ideas but I also try to avoid things I feel like I've done before. I don't think I'll ever get back to a high volume, but I'll probably throw out more one-offs like this once in a while. I really appreciate that people are still checking in!
