February 14, 2020

Not Until It Fits

"I don't understand, it should fit! I've been busting my ass--well, your ass--working out, and eating super healthy. Please, Beth, can't you just change us back? I'm so sorry."

"You know the rules, until you can get that corset all the way on, we have to stay swapped. Even if I wanted to, my magic wouldn't work until you succeed."

I fought back a grin as I watched him struggle one more time to hook the clasps. Maybe next week I'd be over the comments he'd made about my weight. He really had been trying, which is why I had to switch the original corset for one a size smaller, and why I'd been slipping protein powder into his "diet" smoothies.

So yeah, maybe next week. Then again, his body certainly enjoys watching mine squeeze into that lingerie, so maybe this will take a while...

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