September 1, 2018

First Posts Are Always Terrible, so Let's Get It over With

Howdy stranger, and welcome to my TG captions blog! Like you, I'm a dirty, dirty pervert who enjoys stories of guys being turned into gals (willingly, or better yet, unwillingly). I'm excited to have you here, and hopefully you get excited while you're here too!

My plan is to start off with a posting schedule of 3 days per week, with a bonus launch batch. I've got a healthy buffer of finished caps and plenty of ideas for more. I'll probably interject with posts like this once in a while to comment on recent caps, poll the audience, or just give general updates.

Full disclosure, I have a handful of reposts in my queue from the original OTGC website (currently reincarnated at, check them out!), but hopefully you haven't seen them, forgot them, or enjoy them anyways.

Please, please, PLEASE leave feedback! If it feels like people are interested in what I'm posting, I'll be much more motivated to keep it up. Whether it's fawning adoration or brutal criticism, I want to hear it.

And since no post is truly complete without a sexy lady pic, here you go!


  1. Hi, just discovered your site. Looking forward to seeing more captions :)
