October 22, 2018

Change of Plans

It took every fiber of my being to not explode in a white hot rage. Ironically, my anger stemmed from a different explosion of something hot and white. "Hey Jared..."

"Uh, yeah buddy?"

"Did you just cum all over my face?"

"I, uh, yeah, maybe."

"And you remember the one thing--the ONE thing--the gypsy lady said would make the transformation permanent?"

"Ah, she said... any contact with a man's semen." I would have to say, this certainly seemed to qualify.

I'd lost the coin flip and changed first. Despite my disgust at wrapping my lips around my best friend and fellow virgin's cock, I tried my best to act the part. I moaned. I pulled down my shirt. I used my tongue. And where had it gotten me? Covered in thick, salty jizz. I couldn't decide what was worse, the smell or the way it oozed down my face before dripping onto my chest.

"I'm going to go take a very long shower. And since I'm clearly not getting a blow job tonight, or ever, when I get back you're going to stick your face in my crotch and stay there until either I orgasm or you pass out."

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