October 31, 2018

Halloween Costume Party Extravaganza!

Hey readers! I've come up with another interactive post as your special Halloween treat. Just click your way through to see all the options; no need to refresh the page. Enjoy!

"Hello, dearie. It's Halloween - the night every year when my powers reach their peak. With that in mind, I've decided to have a little fun with you. Why you? No need to overthink it."

"Now, given that it's Halloween, you'll need a costume. And since this is supposed to be fun, I'll even let you choose!"

1 comment:

  1. Only just found your blog a few days ago so I'm reading through your post and I love this interactive caption.
    I lucked out big time and got the milf first go and could be happier with my sexy mature body, I'll be running back to the witch to beg her to make it permanent.
