March 15, 2019

100 Posts!

Hi everybody! As you can tell by the title of this post, or counting each post on my site individually, this is #100!

To celebrate, I've decided to share some GENUINE user reviews!

"But Whiskers," you say, "you haven't posted 100 actual captions. A few have been general blog updates, so really you should wait until--"

Darkness washes over you as I hold the damp rag to your face. The fumes smell sweet, but they make you incredibly dizzy. You slump down onto the floor and pass out as the changes take place.

Sorry about that. Just sleep it off, I'm sure you'll feel like a brand new person when you wake up.

Thank you to everyone for visiting!


  1. I just want to say thanks for being the most consistently enjoyable, consistently readable captioner out there that I've seen. Keep being a great example of what these stories should be!
