"What do you think? Is it too girly?"
"Dude, have you seen your body? I think you crossed "too girly" about four cup sizes ago."
"Ugh, you're no help. I just really want to win this costume contest so I can rub it in Samantha's face. We had the perfect couple's costume and she broke up with me the day before Halloween. I wouldn't stand a chance in the men's solo contest, but winning against a bunch of girls will be a piece of cake. That'll show her!"
"Didn't she say the reason she left was you always taking things way too far?"
"Shut up! The old man who sold me that spell seemed completely legit. Dealing with tits for a few days will be worth the taste of victory."
"Alright, whatever. Can we go soon? You've tried at least a dozen costumes."
"Geez, fine. I guess that's what I get for taking a guy shopping."
"YOU'RE a guy!"