April 15, 2019

Just Stretching

I turned my head as I heard him stop in the doorway. "Oh hey, Logan, I'm just getting your mom's yoga routine in. Did you know she's crazy flexible?"

"Yeah, that's um, that's great, Carter. I just don't really need to see a demonstration, OK?" He turned his face--my old face--in embarrassment. I loved it.

"Oh come on, man, it's just your mom, there's nothing to get worked up about. I mean, since you're in my body, it's really more like Mrs. Brewer to you. Or Diana. Would this be easier if you called me Diana?"

"Uh, no, that's OK, thanks," he mumbled. God, there was probably something seriously wrong with me, but I loved watching myself squirm.

I'd always had a crush on Logan's mom, ever since I was old enough to see her as a woman. In an ironic twist of fate, an accident during our tour of the local university's engineering department shuffled our bodies around. Logan in my body, his mom in his, and me in hers.

The university, naturally, wanted to keep things quiet. That left me spending most of my time at home, alone, with unfettered access to my dream woman's body. I promise I was respectful. In fact, I "respected" her four times on the first day.

Lately, it's been clear that I needed more. The drawer full of toys in her room made it obvious that Diana had a high sex drive to begin with. Adding my teenage male brain on top of that? There was no hope. It was so bad, I literally woke up rubbing my pussy on more than one occasion.

That brings me back to Logan. Since our current bodies aren't technically related, I figure it would be easy enough to seduce him. It's proving harder than I thought, but I can see him breaking.

It looked like an accident, but only because I'd practiced this move all morning. As I bent over backwards, my big, sexy, surprisingly perky tits sprung free. "Oopsie!"

Logan ran into the door, tripped, and ran into the door again. I just laughed, wondering if he knew how obvious his boner was as he sprinted away down the hall. It won't be long now...

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