April 29, 2019


"Those guys I was dancing with, they were SO friendly! We should go dance more, Kyle!"

"Yup, but it's closing time, remember?" I murmured while trying to move the drunk girl's legs away from the door. The sooner I could close it, the sooner we could put an end to this bonkers night.

April 24, 2019

Broken Promises

By the time I felt him tensing up, it was too late.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!"

He just grinned sheepishly as cum dribbled down my chin. "Right, like you wouldn't have done the same thing."

"No, asshole, I wouldn't have! We had a deal: you'd give me the concert tickets if I let you turn into a girl and suck you off, but you swore you wouldn't come in my mouth!"

"Yeah, I guess I lied. In fact, I never had any intention of giving you the tickets. How about this for a new deal: you go to the concert with me as my sexy date and blow me again after, and then I'll change you back?"


April 22, 2019


"Oh, I think I can see his little titties starting to grow!"

That was the last thing a guy wanted to hear, but I didn't have much choice. Frankly, in my current state, jerking off a complete stranger, I wasn't much of a guy anymore anyways.

April 19, 2019

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

I broke up with Alicia about a month ago. Our sex life was insanely hot, but I guess part of that was due to her being, well, insane. We didn't have much else in common, so I ended it.

Alicia didn't like that. At all.

April 17, 2019

Unfair Advantage

When one of the top executives at TransformaGen Bioengineering announced his retirement, everyone knew that either Chad or Greg would be tapped to replace him. The winner of the promotion would work directly under the CEO, and neither was afraid to play dirty.

It started with harmless pranks, but quickly grew out of hand. The two finally agreed to stop after an "industrial accident" exposed Chad to the company's prototype sex-changing compound and left him as a 5'4" blonde woman. Greg had hoped the stunt would give him a leg up while the lab worked on a reversal. Instead, Chad came to work the very next day, flipped Greg off with freshly-painted fingernails, and delivered a flawless presentation.

Unfortunately for Chad, Greg had one more trick up his sleeve, which he delivered at the next management social hour. Chad looked up from his expanding chest to see Greg snickering in the corner. "We had a truce, you cheating fucker! Not only that, I actually liked this outfit!"

Unfortunately for Greg, his best efforts weren't good enough, and Chad is the one working under the CEO. Of course, the lab hasn't found a way to reverse the changes, and rumor has it, he's been "working under" the CEO every night this week!

April 15, 2019

Just Stretching

I turned my head as I heard him stop in the doorway. "Oh hey, Logan, I'm just getting your mom's yoga routine in. Did you know she's crazy flexible?"

"Yeah, that's um, that's great, Carter. I just don't really need to see a demonstration, OK?" He turned his face--my old face--in embarrassment. I loved it.

April 12, 2019


It all started with us hanging out in the woods on the south edge of town last night, like we did every Friday. Most nights, we were a bunch of teenage nobodies with nothing better to do. This time, Cooper found something on the way to our usual spot (by which I mean he tripped over the stupid thing).

April 10, 2019

Friendly Joggers

I can't believe how much friendlier everyone seems after my transformation. Every guy I've passed on the trail today has had such a big smile on their face!

April 8, 2019

Don't Mess With Tradition

I learned a lot in my first month working at Parker & Schmidt. Sales tricks, ways to play the legal system, and, oh yeah, how to squeeze my tits into a low-cut dress. You might call that last bit unprofessional, especially since I was a dude on my first day, but every new hire gets initiated this way.

April 5, 2019

Don't Think About It

OK, when I open my eyes, I'm going to be back in my own body, instead of my daughter's, and I'm going to be fully clothed, and I'm never going to think about this again.

April 3, 2019

Enjoying His Vacation

I'd been begging the universe for a break, some kind of vacation from my busy life. I have to say, it was a little disturbing that it came in the form of randomly waking up as a 30-something housewife.

Sitting to pee was bizarre. I quickly discovered that I was married (to a man!). But the worst thing was the constant, aching horniness.

Don't get me wrong, I had been plenty horny as a guy. That was easy enough to deal with, though. You go home, grab 5 minutes of private time in the bathroom, and boom, you're done. As a woman...

Apparently, my new husband was used to his wife's "needs", but I'd taken it to another level. Ironically, I ended up getting my vacation because of it. It's not quite what I'd envisioned, but I'll take it. Speaking of taking it, I hope he's ready for another round.

April 1, 2019

Hey guys, bad news. I left my browser open and my wife found everything. All my captions, saved pictures, bookmarks... Not good. My stomach is rolling over right now I'm so anxious. I'm typing this on my phone from the other room. Hoping I can calm her down. Not sure if I should try to blame it on a virus or something or just tell her the truth.

Crap, she's coming back  Hitting post wish me luck

Update: great news! Click here ;)